"Every designer wants to create an illusion. Create things that disturb and fascinate people. Clothes are really beautiful to work with but there's also a reality outside. Some people don’t want to hear it. It's all lovey-dovey and everything's fine in the world all the time. But I tell it the way it is."
Black Beauty和它的小伙伴们简直都太漂亮了而且自述也非常可爱了一只好看的马的一生有被疼爱也有被欺负的经历最后它呼唤Joe回头时候的场景真的很感动了随着车的震动一晃一晃虽然命运多舛还目睹了爱侣的死亡…好在可爱的马儿有了幸福的结局和对自己好的人在一起过河与马厩失火的桥段简直是提醒我们动物有反常行为可能就是危险降临的信号