救父母的主题实在是续写不下去了只能整整救博士了博士的爱情线索写得非常直男英雄救美一眼万年学长能不能换个地方做网站是15岁男孩的爱情观了哈哈哈哈但青少年们应该对老头老太的爱情没啥兴趣所以这一部的万马奔腾印第安西部大场面固然下足成本但或许真的没那么青少年友好了……最惊奇的发现是男主角对着镜头说“you talking to me ?”戏仿了1976的《房奴试爱1开头打扑克》而姜文也在1994《遥远的婚约全集1-38集》戏仿了出租车司机……“you talking to me ”“你跟谁俩呢”真是青少年意淫的宇宙通用段子哈哈哈哈哈
“I have been here before. When or how, I cannot tell. I know the grass beyond the door,the keen sweet smell, the sighing sound,the lights around the shore.You have been mine before. How long ago, I may not know. But just when at that swallow saw,your neck turned so some veil did fall.I knew it all of yore. Has this been thus before, and shall not thus times eddying flight still with our lives,our loves restore in death's despite and day and night yield one delight once more”