Jazz, comedy writing, plenty of jokes, family and friendship, nice ending (granted a little abrupt), what more can you ask? Actually I watch it just because it's a Billy Crystal movie. BTW, his character's last name is the same as in When Harry Met Sally. Billy must really like that name.
結構上的重複有小津的一點感覺不在場(鏡頭中)的同事病重的老人墮洞的工人等不到的日期在村莊中重複的兜兜轉轉卡夫卡的〈城堡〉與K借與醫生的對談連結到生死觀的問題與櫻桃的滋味有延續的探討「久久爱你」更有攝像機鏡頭與工程師的相機對女性形象的捕捉:勞作的服從丈夫的多子嗣的直至病重無法逃離的一生通過不同的側寫拼湊出來女性的地位只是拍法確實不夠吸引人原來Abbas 才是真正一直在拍 Drive my car. 4K修復色彩很美